Catching Up!
Aargh! It’s been over a month since I’ve written anything here. However, as an excuse there is a reason…
This is what I’ve been up to over the last few weeks:
When we were on holiday, I was given a whole lot of old photos from my husband’s family. I’ve been busily scanning them into the computer and linking them to the relevant people in my husband’s family tree. Don’t you just love the detail on that dress!
I’ve also been up in Newcastle for a weekend. As part of my day job, I’m Director of Scottish Studies for the National Institute for Genealogical Studies so I was at the National Family History Fair in Newcastle last weekend running a stand for the Institute. Great fun, lots of lovely people to talk to, but a six-hour drive each way.
And just for some light relief…..
Knickers! I was at a knicker making workshop yesterday at The Makery in Bath. Having just recently discovered sewing blogs, I jumped at the chance when Winnie of Scruffy Badger Time asked if anyone was interested in a knicker making workshop in Bath. Delicious lunch, great chat with lovely ladies, four hours learning to make knickers and the intricacies of applying knicker elastic, and chocolate cake! What better way could you find to spend a Saturday afternoon!
P.S. I have been making some minis, but am waiting for some less dreich (Scots for grey/dreary) weather so I can photograph them and upload them to my Etsy shop.
Have just read your latest post! You know that last remark of yours “as if I didn’t have enough projects on the go….”
well I can see you weren’t just referring to mini projects! I would love to have got involved in making a Family Tree but it was another of those things that never got started and now I’ve lost so many relatives who might have been able to encourage me its just too daunting and can be expensive I believe. Anyway, congratulations on all you have achieved and I’ll wait to see if any of it is reflected in your ‘minis’!! A xxx
Hi sheena,
Lovely to meet you and thank you for joining us! What fun it was learning to make undies together!! Wish we’d more time ( and energy!) to find out more about you, and if I’d known about your family history side I’m sure I’d have found out more ( on behalf of my dad, a family history enthusiast) 🙂
Another time!! Enjoy your new lease of life with your sewing