Emergency evening dress – day 2
After yesterday’s fights with my lining fabric, I sewed five panels of lining together & cut the second half of the back skirt lining. Then I sewed the skirt lining together (except for the centre back seam) and overlocked the seams – sorry this is a rush job and I don’t have time for couture finishes.
I tacked and pinned all the lining pieces together to check the fit. Gathering the skirt is going to be interesting – I was using large pleats for speed and had to pin several pleats on top of each other to make the skirt small enough.

I think I got the length of the midriff about right.

The back looks as if it’s pulling in this view – but it’s actually slightly loose under the arms. I’ll need to check if I need a sway-back adjustment once the bodice is sewn together. The zip will be invisible when I sew it in but, if you squint, you can see the end of the thread used to tack it in.
I’m pleased that
- I managed to find my halterneck bra
- The back of the dress is high enough to cover the back strap of the bra!
With the lining fitting I gathered my courage together and laid the pattern out on my main fabric. Do you know – it fit perfectly! I think I checked three times to make sure I’d left room for all the skirt pieces.

and this is all that’s left of my main fabric.
(by the way, you can see the project I was originally working on in the background of the first two photos)